Preprofessional Programs

Information and advice on professional studies in architecture, business, clinical psychology, education, engineering, health-care professions, law, library and information science, the ministry, and social work are offered by designated faculty and staff members who are knowledgeable in these fields. Informational sessions are held throughout the academic year, beginning during Orientation. The preprofessional advisors are also available for individual discussions and consultation. For a list of the current preprofessional academic advisors, see Maureen Tobin, graduate school and preprofessional advisor, or the director of the Career Development Office (CDO).

For Pre-Med course suggestions see:

Kenyon College/Capital University Secondary Teacher Licensure Partnership

Partnership Details

The Kenyon/Capital partnership provides a four-year framework allowing students to graduate with a bachelor's degree from Kenyon while completing the requirements to attain an Ohio teaching license to teach in the public school system (Ohio teaching licenses may be transferable to other states). 

Participating students will complete a combination of required teacher education courses available at Kenyon; pedagogy, methods and experiential courses through Capital University; and content area courses related to the subject(s) the student wishes to teach at Kenyon. Licensure is available for grades 4-9 and grades 7-12. Certification for teaching grades pre-K-5 requires additional courses not listed below.


Students must:

  1. have completed at least 4.00 units/32 semester hours of coursework at Kenyon
  2. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75
  3. be in good academic standing and disciplinary standing at Kenyon
  4. be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student at Kenyon
  5. pass all required FBI and BCI background checks for the licensure program
  6. be accepted by the Capital University liaison
Costs associated with the program

Students will be billed the Capital University summer rate per credit hour. Students who receive financial aid should discuss options with the pre-teaching advisor before planning their courses.

Required Coursework

Teacher Education Courses Available at Kenyon
  1. AMST 330 Sankofa Project: Theory and Practice of Urban Education (6 sem hours)
  2. PSYC 224* Educational Psychology (4 sem hours)
  3. PSYC 307* Language Disorders (4 sem hours)

*PSYC 100 (or equivalent) is waived for PSYC 224 and PSYC 307 for students in the partnership

Pedagogy, Methods and Experiential Courses at Capital University
  1. EDUC 101* Foundations of the Education Profession (1 sem hour)
  2. EDUC 201 Developing as a Professional Educator (4 sem hours)
  3. EDUC 374 Content Area Reading (4 sem hours)
  4. One pedagogy course in the area of expertise (2 sem hours) from EDUC 352, EDUC 353, EDUC 354, EDUC 355, EDUC 356, EDUC 357, EDUC 358, or EDUC 359**
  5. EDUC 401*** Developing as a Professional IV (2 hours) - fee
  6. One student teaching course from EDUC 410, EDUC 420, EDUC 430, EDUC 440, EDUC 441, EDUC 442 or EDUC 450 (10 sem hours)- fee

*This course can be taken if AMST 330 is not being offered.
**This course can be taken online. Prior consultation with the pre-teaching advisor is needed to arrange placement.
*** EDUC 401 and the student teaching course are usually taken concurrently. Students planning to complete the student teaching course during the fall or spring semester must do so through the off-campus study application process.

Content Area Courses at Kenyon

Content area courses prepare the student for content area licensure exams. Completing courses for the major will satisfy this requirement. 

Coursework must be completed to cover the topics listed in the content area frameworks; Capital University representatives will advise students. Working closely with the pre-teaching and faculty advisors for course choices will be necessary. 

Possible Content Areas for Licensure
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics 
  • Science (dual-focus and integrated)
  • Social Studies 

Sample Sequence of Courses

First Year at Kenyon
  • AMST 330 (Kenyon) or EDUC 101/150 (Capital)
  • Content area courses
First Summer - Capital University Courses
  • EDUC 201
  • EDUC 374
Second Year at Kenyon
  • PSYC 224 or PSYC 307 if not already taken
  • Content area courses
  • one course from EDUC 352-359 (Capital) — course requires 70-90 classroom hours throughout the semester
Second Summer - Capital University Courses
  • EDUC 374 if not already taken
  • one course EDUC 352-359 if not already taken
Third Year at Kenyon and Capital University
  • Content area courses
  • PSYC 224 or PSYC 307 if not already taken
  • EDUC 401 and one student teaching course — these courses must be taken as an off-campus study program either junior year or fall of the senior year; student teaching may be possible through summer placement or after graduation if a suitable location is identified.

For more information about the Kenyon College/Capital University Secondary Teacher Licensure Partnership, please contact Gordon Loveland at or 740-427-5364.