You are more than one thing. So are we.
Whether you’re a writer who codes, an athlete who makes music, a scientist with a start-up idea — if you’re any or all of these, or something else entirely — you’ll be in good company at Kenyon. You might already know about Kenyon’s rich writing legacy, but much like you, we are more than one thing. Below are a few other things to know about us.
Affordable for All
We’re one of a select set of colleges that meet 100% of the demonstrated financial need for admitted students. Plus, every applicant is considered for a merit scholarship, without regard to financial need.

More than 80% of Kenyon students receive some form of financial aid. Learn more.
Post-Grad Powerhouse
From fellowships to grad schools to first jobs, Kenyon graduates stand out. We’re a top producer of Fulbright Fellows and rank eighth in the nation (and ahead of every Ivy) for the proportion of STEM graduates to earn a doctorate in their field.

Faculty partner with students to put their ideas into practice — in the lab and the field, on campus and all over the world. Learn about the outcomes.
Connected Curriculum
Across 50 majors, minors and concentrations, we recognize that disciplines are not hard boundaries, but dotted lines that can and should be crossed to explore the issues of the day, from sustainability to AI to global health.

Every student completes a senior capstone, often tying together ideas and themes they’ve explored across courses and interests. Explore our departments and programs.
Unmatched Athletic Excellence
Kenyon leads the nation in NCAA Division III championships with an extraordinary 62 national titles. What’s more, we rank second for the number of athletes to receive NCAA Postgraduate Scholarships.

Learn more about Kenyon athletics and our 23 NCAA teams.
Campus Dream, City Scene
Kenyon makes just about every list of beautiful college campuses, but we love more than the scenery. It’s a laboratory for living and learning. Our big-city neighbor, Columbus, ranks fourth among the best U.S. cities for new college graduates — the best of both worlds within an hour’s drive.

Students from nearly every state and almost as many countries choose to make Kenyon’s campus home. Take a tour.
Where They Started
From the U. S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink ’91, to legendary philanthropist and actor Paul Newman ’49, generations of alumni have taken what they learned at Kenyon to the peak of their professions. See more notable alumni.
Bookshelf Titans
Kenyon authors like John Green ’00 make repeat appearances on The New York Times best-seller lists with mainstays like “The Fault In Our Stars,” “Sweetbitter,” “Seabiscuit” and “Ragtime.”
Best in Class
From Oscars to Pulitzers, Kenyon alumni earn top honors in their industries. Allison Janney ’82 is one of the winningest actors in Hollywood.
Thought Provokers
Kenyon alumni help shape the national dialogue. “Pod Save America,” co-hosted by Tommy Vietor ’02, is one of the country’s most downloaded and influential podcasts.
Change Agents
In and out of the halls of power, Kenyon alumni are voices for change. The Obama Foundation recognized lawyer Colette Pichon Battle ’97 for her work to protect Gulf Coast communities affected by climate change.