Faculty, staff and students may access the EMS online system, Kenyon Reservations, to reserve space and request related services. These services include catering, audio/visual, custodial, and maintenance. Kenyon Reservations allows users to browse for events, buildings and available spaces that suit their needs by filtering for room capacity, features and available items. 

Access EMS

EMS on campus, or type events-reservations.kenyon.edu into your browser. 

EMS from off-campus, or type vpn.kenyon.edu into your browser.

  1. Navigate to vpn.kenyon.edu.
  2. Log in (requires Duo two-factor authentication)
  3. Select Kenyon Reservations.
  4. Log in using your Kenyon single sign-on (SSO) credentials and Duo two-factor authentication to begin.


For reservation questions, please contact a Kenyon Reservations manager:

Please refer to the guidelines below. For additional details and screenshots, access this Google folder.

Event Planning Checklist

Accessible Event Checklist

EMS Guides and Tools

You can browse by Events or Locations.

1. Enter the date of your event.

2. Add filters to browse by event: location, room, group name, event name and event type.

3. Add filters to browse by location: capacity, features, floors, room, room types and set-up types to your search.

There are two reservation templates: Faculty/Staff no services and Faculty/Staff with services.

You cannot add services to the "no services" template.

Creating a reservation and adding services:

1. Choose a template such as Faculty/Staff with services.

2. Enter a date or recurring dates. Events can recur daily, weekly, monthly, and random.

3. Please choose a space that allows set-up and tear-down time if needed.

4. You can search for a location or enter a specific location.

5. Once the date, time, and location are entered, select "next step" at the top right of the screen.

6. Enter the reservation details: the event name, contact information, add attachments of all custom setups, and your account number.

7. Accept the terms and create the reservation.

Academic Class: This event type is used only for the classes that are loaded from Banner during the sync and publishing process. These are required class meeting times.

Academic Supplemental: This event type is for reservations that are associated with a specific class. This can include extra class times, review sessions, discussion group break-out sessions, and tests that require additional rooms.

Alumni Event: An event whose participants are graduates, former students, or parents of students of Kenyon College.

Athletic Camp/Clinic: An event that involves an institution’s sports camp or instructional clinic that is owned or operated by a Kenyon College or an employee of the Kenyon College athletics department, either on or off its campus, in which prospective student-athletes participate. This can also include athletic camps that are held during the summer months and supported by Summer Programs.

Athletic Contest: A reservation for a contest between varsity athletes who participate in intercollegiate athletic competitions.

Athletic Parent Request: A reservation by the parent of a Kenyon College athlete that is social in nature and does not align itself with the athletic group at Kenyon College.

Athletic Practice: A reservation representing a Kenyon College athletic group engaging in repeated exercise or performance of an activity or skill to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.

Audition: A reservation for a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc. for Kenyon College.

Campus-Wide Event: A reservation for an event that involves much of The College and helps foster a sense of community on campus. The event may run for multiple days and consist of many smaller events spread throughout the campus.

Club Contest: A reservation for club sports contests against other institutions (intercollegiate clubs).

Club Practice: A reservation for an event where members who participate in a club are practicing or performing an activity or skill to become proficient in it.

College Governance: A reservation for official College student, faculty and staff governance.

College Traditional Events: Reservations for traditional Kenyon College events that enrich the campus life and the college experience. These include Commencement, Baccalaureate, Honors Day, Founders Day, etc.

Community: A reservation for a planned gathering on public property consisting of 50 or more people or any sized event which blocks/reserves access to public property/right of way. Usually includes local city residents as well as the Kenyon College community.

Conference: A reservation for an event where two or more persons come together to discuss matters of common concern, a usually formal interchange of views and opinions. Often includes refreshments/catering.

Film Screening: A reservation to show a movie, video, or television program. If this is part of a class, please use Academic Supplemental. If this is for a student organization, please contact the Student Activities Office to secure film screening rights.

Final Exam: This event type is used only when reserving space for final exams.

Hiring - Presentation/Interview: This event type is used for various meetings involving candidates for employment at Kenyon. (Details not displayed on the web.)

Informational Fair: A reservation for an event that brings representatives from various entities (offices, companies, organizations) with the intent of sharing information for a particular purpose.

Language AT Sessions: A reservation for the Kenyon Intensive Language Model (KILM) or Department of Classics, as a required part of a student’s attendance for a language course.

Lecture/Panel Discussion: A reservation that includes a discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of persons forming a panel, often before an audience. This is usually a formal discussion for which the topic and speakers have been selected in advance.

Maintenance: This event type is used to place a space “on hold” for required maintenance or upgrades on equipment.

Meal/Reception: A reservation for a social function where light refreshments or meals will be served. Receptions are often informal, and attendees will usually stand up and socialize rather than sit down at a table.

Meeting: This event type is used for events that occur on a routine basis. It can include beverages or food service, but it is not a reception or hospitality event.

Orientation: This event type is used for a period of time at the beginning of the academic year during which a variety of events are held to orient and welcome new students.

Party: A reservation for a social group gathering. Student parties must be approved by the Student Activities Office. External parties are contracted through Summer Programs during the year.

Performance/Concert/Recital: An event typically held in Rosse Hall, Bolton Theater, etc. and features a dance or musical performance, readings, or recitations usually performed in front of an audience.

Presentation: A reservation for presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech.

Production Prep: This event type is used to place a hold on a space being prepared for a production, film, play, or performance.

Recreation/Wellness: An event or program designed to sustain campus wellness, such as Kenyon Fit and Intramurals, may also include individual requests.

Rehearsal: A reservation for practice or a trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance.

Religious Service: An event having religious meaning.

Training: A reservation for teaching, or developing skills and knowledge related to specific useful competencies.

Tutoring/Review Session: A reservation for tutoring or review of academic subject material. Review Sessions take place in a large group format utilizing problem sets provided by the academic department.

Wedding: All wedding requests are to be contracted through the Office of Summer Programs regardless of the time of the year. Weddings and other external events are not to be scheduled while students are in session.

*Please note that some Event Types are not able to be requested through the online forms.

Why does it matter what Event Name you use?

Naming event names appropriately helps everyone use EMS when browsing for spaces and viewing scheduled events.

Searching for your own event will be more efficient if you provide event-specific details.

Information stored in the system will be used to make decisions about how space is used and the types of space the College needs in the future.

Recommendations for Naming Public Events

The name should include what the event is and who is sponsoring the event. Please include all sponsors. 

eg. Tom Petty solo concert-Taylor Concert Series 

eg. Jim Lehrer lecture-Faculty Lectureship

Be sure to include information about who the meeting will include, and when it will occur.

eg. Hillel Planning Meeting Fall 2022

eg. Owl Creeks Winter Concert 12/7/22

For a one-off meeting, including the date would be appropriate, helpful information.

eg. Dept. of Geography Meeting 9/5/22

However, for a recurring meeting, each meeting would read the date of the first one, so a generalization of the time would be more useful.

eg. Dept. of Geography Meetings Fall 2022

Be sure to also include any other relevant information, such as the intended audience for the event.

eg. Public Open Forum on Campus Accessibility 9/7/22

eg. Classics Department Faculty Meeting Fall 2022

1. Select a template such as "Faculty/Staff with services."

2. Enter a date or recurring dates. Recurring events can be daily, weekly, monthly, and random.

3. Please choose a space that allows set up and tear down time if needed.

4. You can search for a location or enter a specific location.

5. Once the date, time, and location are entered, select the plus sign beside the first space you would like to book. 

6. Enter a new date, time, and location, and select the plus sign beside the next space you would like to book.

7. Once the bookings are added to your reservation select "next step" at the top right of the screen.

8. Enter the reservation details the event name, contact information, add attachments of all custom setups, and your account number.

9. Accept the terms and create the reservation.

1. Use the faculty/staff with services template and create the reservation.

Adding services requires that you add time before the start time and after the end time of your event to allow for setup and teardown of services. 

Please indicate reservation start and end times and event start and end times. Small events require a minimum of 30 minutes, large events require 60 minutes, and large venue changes require 3 hours. If you are not sure how much time your events may require for setup and teardown please contact the service provider. Events that occur during a weekend will require space reservations that allow for setup and teardown on weekdays. Events that occur before 2:30 pm on a weekday will require space reservations that allow for teardown the following weekday.  

Once you request a space with services EMS will prompt you to add time for setup and teardown and include the exact start and end time of your event.

2. At the top right of the screen under reservations tasks, select "add services."

3. Select services and add any special instructions.

4. At the top right of the screen select "next step."

5. Identify the specific booking by selecting the specific space checkbox.

6. Lastly, select "add services" at the top right of the screen.

Service requests include AV and IT, LBIS, Maintenance and certain AVI catering items. The following deadlines ensure that service providers have enough time to process, schedule, and fulfill requests.

Weekday service requests: events taking place Monday-Friday during or after business hours require a minimum of five (5) business days advanced notice.

Weekend service requests: events taking place during a weekend require a minimum of ten (10) business days advanced notice is required.

Please contact AVI catering directly to arrange catering services and request catering furniture and items such as tables and trash cans by requesting specific services in EMS.

Please add event start and end times to include the necessary setup and teardown times. If you selected the "with services" reservation template you will be prompted to include the actual event start and end times once you submit your reservation.  If you answer "yes" to the question, "Do you need extra time in the space?" you will be able to enter the actual event start time and end time.

Small events require a minimum of 30 minutes, large events require 60 minutes, and large venue changes require 3 hours. If you are not sure how much time your event may require for setup and teardown please contact the service provider.

Select "MY EVENTS" and select a specific event.


Under the "reservation details" tab, select "edit reservation details" in the top left of the screen.

View Services and Manage Services

Select view services or manage services located directly underneath your event booking.

Add special instructions for service providers and make changes to service requests by selecting "Manage Services".

Reservation Tasks (listed in the top right of the screen)

Add Services: select to add AV and IT, Maintenance furniture, and more.

Booking Tools: select to make time and date changes.

Cancel Reservation: cancel a reservation

Cancel Services: If you added services to an event you can cancel services 

View Summary: Provides reservation details

Send Invitation: embeds a reservation summary in an email.

Space managers help to ensure proper usage of facilities that have unique technologies, departmental needs or priorities. They work with the Office of Campus Events (OCE) to confirm availability of spaces when requests are made through EMS. OCE kindly requests that space managers reply to all reservation requests within two business days to allow time for alternative spaces to be secured should a request be denied.

Space managers will receive an email notification for each reservation request made for a space that they manage.

After careful review of the request (e.g., intended use of the space, set-up and teardown times, other activities in the building, etc.), the space manager should mark the request as either “Space Manager Approved” or “Space Manager Denied” in EMS within two business days of receiving the request.

If the request is approved, there is nothing more for the space manager to do. OCE will review the request in the context of all other events happening on campus around that time on that date.

If the request is denied, the space manager needs to send an explanation via EMS to the requestor and OCE.

Please contact Campus Events Manager Emily Wise at wisee@kenyon.edu to request an exception to this procedure, for training or with questions.

OCE strongly recommends that all reservation requests that occur during the “summer” (Senior Week through Pelotonia) should not be approved by space mangers until they are discussed with OCE, as they will be subject to bumps for Commencement, Reunion and summer programs.

Revised 8-22-23

All facilities are reserved with their default set-ups unless otherwise requested. Please contact the Office of Campus Events (events@kenyon.edu) if your space was not set properly upon arrival. If you did not request a special set-up, please return the space to the default set-up and remove any items that you brought (e.g., signage, decorations, printed materials, etc.) when you are done. If spaces are not reset/cleared properly, the reservation holder will be charged $30 per hour for the labor required to do so.