
To take advantage of the Capital University/Kenyon Secondary Certification Partnership, students must:

  1. have a minimum 2.75 GPA;
  2. be in good academic standing and disciplinary standing at Kenyon;
  3. have completed at least 4 units of coursework at Kenyon;
  4. be enrolled as full-time students at Kenyon;
  5. pass all required FBI and BCI background checks for the licensure program.

Participating students are also subject to acceptance by the liaison from Capital University.


The cost of the program (for Capital courses) is billed at the Capital University summer rate, which is currently $559 per credit hour. For those needing aid in completing the program, there is a plan in place. Please speak with Gordon Loveland for specifics.

Gordon Loveland

Director of Laboratories, Depart of Mathematics and Physics
Phone Number
Rutherford B. Hayes Hall 101