Our new 50th Reunion Program is expanding how this milestone event is viewed, so it is not just about one wonderful weekend but instead a series of opportunities over a preceding two year period to renew friendships, strengthen connections with the College, share stories and join together with the highest degree of participation to leave a legacy at Kenyon all the while maintaining important traditions.
We hope you will start making plans now to join us in Gambier for your 50th.
During the fall of 2020, a group of alumni came together as the steering committee for the 50th Reunion Program to work with staff to articulate a new vision for this signature program.
"I am delighted to see this enhanced focus on 50th Reunions, and on engaging each member of the reunion class. It is a big event in our lives, and it's great to give it the attention it deserves."
By partnering on 50th reunion planning to create unique, class-specific events, alumni and College staff create experiences that your classmates will find fun, meaningful and personalized ways to reconnect.
Reunion Weekend
Each May, the 50th Reunion class gathers on the Hill to celebrate, renew acquaintances and make new friends. The weekend begins with a casual reception on Thursday followed by a calendar of activities including dinners, entertainment, alumni college sessions, outdoor pursuits, the parade of classes, campus tours, and time on your own to relax and enjoy the beauty of late spring in Gambier.
Pre-Reunion Events
Look out for unique opportunities to gather with your classmates and their families, both virtually and in-person. Classes celebrating their 50th in the next three years are invited to reconnect by organizing mini-reunions in major cities or hosting special programs on Zoom. Guests may be invited to give academic presentations and offer a glimpse of what life at Kenyon is like today.
Get Involved with Your 50th Reunion
The 50th reunion is a perfect time to volunteer to help create a meaningful milestone celebration for your class. Whether you have lots of time to give or just a little, there are many ways to help shape this special time.
Give Back
The 50th reunion is a once-in-your-lifetime event and Kenyon is fortunate and grateful that many alumni mark the occasion with a gift at a level that is personally meaningful to them. This is a time many choose to increase their philanthropy to Kenyon and those who have not regularly given to the College start a habit of giving back. A variety of options allow gifts to be tailored to your personal priorities and circumstances.
We are working toward a 50th reunion that is not just a one-weekend event. We hope to involve and engage as many of our classmates in activities, both virtually and in-person, leading up to the weekend. In this way we can reconnect with each other and with Kenyon, including with current students.
Thank you, 50th Reunion Program Steering Committee!
Steering Committee Members
Belinda Bremner '71 | Nancy Ellis '72 | James Finn '70 | Jan Guifarro '73 |
Eric Herr '70 | Pete Holloway '71 | David Horvitz '74 H'98 | Susan McGannon '72 |
Thomas Moore '72 | Alan Radnor '67 P'96 '00 |
Shayna Daubert