2024-25 Deadlines

Grants Due Date for Proposal
Faculty Research Grants/Round One (Fall) October 17, 2024
Newton Chun Award November 14, 2024
Faculty Teaching Grants January 9, 2025
Provost’s Faculty Research Grants February 6, 2025
Faculty Research Grants/Round Two (Spring) March 20, 2025
NEH Summer Stipend Nomination August 1, 2025

Award Descriptions

Faculty Research Grants, awarded in two rounds over the course of the academic year, are intended to support the scholarly or artistic engagement of faculty in areas of research, artistic projects and writing. These may include conference attendance, exhibitions, publication costs, performances, international or domestic travel, equipment costs, and other such needs associated with professional development beyond the classroom. $3000 maximum.

Faculty Research Grant Guidelines

Faculty Teaching Grants, awarded in one round each academic year, are intended to support initiatives aimed at teaching or reflection on pedagogical practices or other related applications. Consequently, proposals may be directed toward unusual expenses associated with the creation of new courses or restructuring of existing courses, new equipment for teaching, interdisciplinary collaborations, conferences focused on pedagogy, summer seminars on issues related to student learning (like community-based research, student-faculty collaborations, and study abroad advancement), as well as other projects of similar scope that enhance the teaching of faculty members. $5000 maximum.

Faculty Teaching Grant Guidelines

Tenured and tenure track members of the faculty members are eligible to apply. The Newton Chun Award is intended to provide a Kenyon faculty member the opportunity to undertake the scholarship on which their continuing development as teacher-scholars depends. The award supports research and artistic projects of exceptional merit and promise. $8,000. 

Dr. Newton Chun Award Guidelines

Due to the generosity of a Kenyon parent, we are able to continue the successful Provost Faculty Research Fund awards for a second year. This fund is open to all full-time faculty members and provides financial support for scholarly and artistic engagement. Activities might include conference attendance, the cost of equipment, exhibition, performance or publication, travel or other such needs associated with professional development.

The maximum award is higher than that of the regular Faculty Research Grants. We hope to make two or three awards of between $4,000 and $8,000. Faculty will be expected to use awards between May 2025 and June 2026.

The fund is made possible by a generous gift from Wendy Webster and Stuart Davidson P’18.

Provost’s Faculty Research Grant Guidelines

NEH Summer Stipends

Each year the Faculty Development Committee may select one faculty member to be the College's nominees for the $8000 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend.

NEH Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that contributes to scholarly knowledge or to the public’s understanding of the humanities. Recipients usually produce scholarly articles, monographs on specialized subjects, books on broad topics, site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly tools.

The Summer Stipends program provides $8,000 to support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of performance of two consecutive months. Projects may begin as early as May 1. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year. 

This nominee must then make an application directly to NEH. 

For details on the NEH Summer Stipend, please refer to the NEH website: neh.gov/grants/research/summer-stipends

To apply to be a Kenyon College nominee, please submit the FDC application form along with your proposal narrative and your vita (limited to 2 pages) as an email attachment to FDCgrants@kenyon.edu.

You must meet NEH eligibility requirements. Your narrative should respond the NEH guidelines: neh.gov/grants/research/summer-stipends  

Applicants teaching part-time or with appointments terminating by the summer of the current academic year may apply directly to NEH without nomination. 

Kenyon nominees must register with Grants.gov as individuals and create a username and password. NEH strongly recommends that you complete or verify your registration at least two weeks before the application deadline, as it takes time for your registration to be processed.