A part of Kenyon College’s desire to provide a safe and healthy environment consists of preventing hazing in all organizations, clubs and teams. Every member of the Kenyon Community, whether a member of the student body, staff, faculty or alumni, plays a vital role in the effort to prevent hazing. The goal of the information below is to provide more insight into Kenyon’s hazing policy, steps to prevent hazing and ways to report hazing. 

Hazing Policy FAQs

The Kenyon College Student Handbook addresses hazing in two areas. The Prohibited and Restricted Content section lists Hazing under the Violent, Endangering, and Discriminatory Behavior provision. Additionally, a more detailed explanation of the College’s expectations is outlined in Appendix B: College Polices

The College prohibits hazing on the part of any individual, organization, group, or team whether students are on or off Kenyon premises. Additionally, the hazing of members or prospective members of any student organization, group, sports team or activity does not excuse hazing in any form.

Hazing, for purposes of College policy, is defined as any action or situation, regardless of intention, whether on or off Kenyon premises, that results in or has the potential of resulting in physical, mental, or emotional harm; discomfort; embarrassment; harassment; or distress to a group’s members or prospective members.

Behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance or are not consistent with personal growth and academic achievement. Examples include but are not limited to: 

• Personal servitude

• Tests of physical endurance

• Kidnapping, transporting or Stranding anyone;

• Private or public skits

• Exposure to the elements without appropriate protection

• Sleep deprivation and creation of excessive fatigue

• Forced consumption of a food, liquid, alcohol, drug or other substance

• Required wearing of any public apparel 

Students with first-hand knowledge of the planning of specific hazing incidents or firsthand knowledge that a specific hazing incident has occurred and knowingly fails to report that knowledge violates Kenyon College’s Hazing Policy. 

The College offers members of the Kenyon community multiple ways to report. Individuals may contact Campus Safety, the Office of Student Engagement staff, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff, or report anonymously by using the Hazing Report of Concern.

To report a hazing concern, individuals may contact Campus Safety, the Office of Student Engagement staff, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff, or report anonymously by using the Hazing Report of Concern.

Organizations Found Responsible

(Within the last five years)

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; theft 

Sanction: Completing educational sessions prescribed by Delta Tau Delta National Organization during the fall 2024 semester

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; dishonesty

Sanctions: Disciplinary probation until the end of the spring 2026 semester; reduction of the 2024 schedule by 20% of countable contests, which is the equivalent of four games; in spring 2024 and fall 2024, no women's soccer team activities, athletic and social, are permitted unless a full-time Kenyon staff member is present; the team is required to participate in an assessment of hazing in all varsity athletic programs, which will be conducted by the College during the spring 2024 semester; no alumnae game in spring 2024.

While on probation, the women’s soccer team is required to complete in-person training, including, but not limited to, hazing prevention, sexual misconduct/Title IX prevention and building positive team dynamics; these trainings will be determined by the Athletic Department staff, the Office for Civil Rights and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing

Sanctions: Disciplinary probation until the end of the fall 2023 semester; in-person training on the topic of hazing prevention; provide an honest account of all team traditions as well as official and unofficial 

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing

Sanctions: Disciplinary probation until end of spring 2024; evaluate the chapter's new member education schedule to determine whether the current length of the schedule is appropriate or needs to be shortened; provide an honest account of all team traditions as well as official and unofficial team-building activities

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; alcohol

Sanctions: Disciplinary probation until end of spring 2026; prohibited from having social gatherings with alcohol when underage members of the team are present; required attendance  at alcohol awareness, hazing prevention and healthy team building program; provide an honest account of all team traditions as well as official and unofficial team-building activities

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; failure to comply with sanctions

Sanction: Hazing prevention plan

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing

Sanction: Disciplinary probation until spring 2023; social probation until fall 2020; disciplinary service; educational meetings; presentation; summer reading; membership review; reevaluation of Delt Lodge lease

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; student engagement; alcoholic beverages; fire safety

Sanction: Disciplinary probation until the end of the spring 2022 semester

Provisions of the Handbook Violated: Hazing; drugs; alcohol; endangering behavior

Sanctions: Disciplinary suspension until spring 2022; required attendance substance abuse education program; disciplinary service

Phone Number
Email Address
Edelstein House
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022