The Office for Sponsored Faculty Projects (OSFP) aspires to create and sustain a dynamic culture of securing external support for faculty research, scholarship, creative endeavors, and pedagogies. We seek to simplify and clarify the grant seeking and administration processes. Our intent is to ease the burden of crafting competitive applications and managing awards. 

Recent Faculty Accomplishments

Hartlaub receives Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Award

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Brad Hartlaub received the Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Award at the 2024 JSM Proceedings held in Portland, Oregon, Aug. 2-7.

Theis Receives Publication Award

Assistant Professor of Sociology Nick Theis has been awarded the American Sociological Association Methodology Section’s Outstanding Publication Award with co-author Kenneth Hanson for their article "Networked Participants, Networked Meanings: Using Networks to Visualize Ethnographic Data," published in Sociological Methodology, 2024.

Faculty Publication: Using Prediction Markets

Assistant Professor of Political Science Zachary McGee has published “Using Prediction Markets as a Tool for Classroom and Civic Engagement” with co-author Precious D. Hall in the Journal of Political Science Education, August 2024.

Faculty Publication: Little Boy Ghost

Ira Sukrungruang, the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Creative Writing, has published an essay, “Little Boy Ghost” in CRAFT Literary, July 2024.

Faculty Publication: Risks and Opportunities of Open-Source Generative AI

Professor of Comparative Literature and Humanities Katherine Elkins, with co-authors, has published “Near to Mid-term Risks and Opportunities of Open-Source Generative AI” as part of the Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2024.

Faculty Publication: Site Settlement Patterns

Bruce Hardy, the J. Kenneth Smail Professor of Anthropology, has published “Site Settlement Patterns During MIS 3 in the Southeast of France: the Lithic Assemblages of Two Phases of Occupation (Levels 4.1 and 4.2) at the Abri du Maras” with co-authors in the Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, Aug. 2024.

Faculty Publication: Neutron Activation Analysis

Visiting Instructor of Anthropology Elysia Petras has published “Neutron Activation Analysis Reveals Jamaican Origin of Afro-Caribbean Ware Excavated from the Cayman Islands” with co-author Brandi L. MacDonald in the International Journal of Historical Archaeology, Aug. 22, 2024.

Faculty Exhibition: Passages

Professor Emerita of Art Claudia Esslinger will have her exhibit, “Passages: Tales of the (Snow) Migrant” at the Burton D. Morgan Gallery at the College of Wooster from Sept. 3 through Dec. 6, 2024. There will be a reception and artist’s video talk on Sept. 10, 2024 starting at 4 p.m.

Got News?

One of the primary aims of the OSFP blog and Twitter feed is to share your accomplishments and achievements with the broader Kenyon community and beyond. Send your publications and honors to

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