62 Results found for: Kenyon in the World
Kenyon Newsmakers in 2024
Kenyon NewsAuthors, an astrophysicist and Abraham Lincoln’s right-hand man were just a few of the people with ties to the College who made headlines this year.
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Going Global
Kenyon NewsA breadth of programs sponsored by students, faculty and staff highlight campus diversity during Global Engagement Week, taking place this year from Oct. 21-25.
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Building Relationships Between Communities
Kenyon NewsKenyon students are headed to the Great Mohican Pow-Wow to learn about Native American heritage and culture.
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A Meaningful Exchange
Kenyon NewsA delegation with deep ties to the College has been working with teachers in West Africa as part of an educational and cultural exchange.
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Making a Difference
Kenyon NewsSummer interns, students and recent grads immerse themselves in the local legislative process, fostering a vibrant civic life.
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Working Across Disciplines
Kenyon NewsTriple major Lee Nah ’25 is the first Kenyon student in 15 years to win the Beinecke Scholarship and plans to use the award to continue her innovative interdisciplinary work.
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Finding Solutions to Global Challenges
Kenyon NewsFour Kenyon graduates have been awarded Fulbrights, and a returning student was named to the Fulbright UK Summer Institutes.
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Passport to Opportunity
Kenyon NewsThe College has received a grant that will help fund passports for Pell Grant-eligible students to improve access to international education opportunities.
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Kenyon to Hold ‘Keep It Wild’ Earth Day Celebration
Press ReleasesThe College’s Brown Family Environmental Center will host a free Earth Day festival on Saturday, April 20.
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Making a Global Impact
Kenyon NewsSam Bowden ’24 aims to affect foreign policy as a James C. Gaither Junior Fellow from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.