What's Happening Speakers and Discussions
24 Results found for this category
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'A Brief History of Phobias: From the Fear of Mirrors to the Fear of Dirt' with Don James McLaughlin
The Department of English welcomes Don James McLaughlin from the University of Tulsa.
Kenyon welcomes Kenneth Chang, science reporter from the New York Times, to share his experiences in writing about scientific research for non-scientific readers.
Students who participated in our summer research program share their work over the summer.
Join faculty members Krista Dalton and Max Dugan from the Department of Religious Studies in a conversation about Israel and Palestine.
Time-Resolved Cryo-Em of Biological Molecules: A New Frontier of Structural Biology by Joachim Frank
Nobel Laureate in chemistry Joachim Frank will visit Kenyon for several presentations on September 17. The first of these presentations will be on time-resolved cryo-EM and its impact on structural biology.
Nobel Laureate in chemistry Joachim Frank will visit Kenyon for several presentations on September 17. The second of these presentations will be on the processes and impact of cryogenic electron microscopy.
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for the annual Constitution Day lecture, given by Ric Sheffield, emeritus professor of sociology and and legal studies.
This program will allow participants to experience how the kinds of questions we ask can impact and shift a conversation — and to consider the impacts/purposes of different kinds of questions so they can be intentional about the kinds of questions they ask.
Join faculty, staff and students over lunch for low-key and low-stakes conversations in a setting that is stress-free and comfortable.
Students who participated in our summer research program share their work over the summer.
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for a lecture by Kathleen Belew, an associate professor of history at Northwestern University.
Students who participated in our summer research program share their work over the summer.
The creator, writer and executive producer of the television show "Manhunt" will discuss the role of Kenyon graduate Stanton in the search for Lincoln's assassin.
The Center for the Study of American Democracy welcomes Doerries, the artistic director of Theater of War Productions.
When All Day -
In this Ombuds Office program, participants will gain insights into the nature of change, why it can be so challenging, and strategies to enhance their adaptability.
When 12:10 pm -
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for a lecture by Michael Gerhardt, the Burton Craige Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of North Carolina.
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for a lecture by Timothy Snyder, the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University.
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for a lecture by Nick Bogert, a freelance producer for NBC News, and Kelly Sanders, a retired senior national correspondent for NBC News.
Join us for a event sponsored by the Asian and Middle East Studies department. We are thrilled to welcome Douglas Northrop, a renowned expert in modern Central Asian history at the University of Michigan.
Join the Center for the Study of American Democracy for a lecture by Pensky, professor of philosophy and co-director of the Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention at Binghamton University.