The Ombuds Office policies and practices are detailed in the Kenyon College Ombuds Office Services Charter.  The ombuds adheres to the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice by providing confidential, impartial, informal and independent assistance to individuals and groups. 


All communication with the ombuds is held in strict confidence and is considered "off the record" with limited exceptions.  These exceptions are related to an imminent risk of harm, child or elder abuse, and felony criminal activity. The Ombuds Office does not keep records and does not disclose who has communicated with the ombuds without the express permission of the visitor.


The ombuds is an informal resource that may facilitate communication. However, the ombuds but does not participate in any formal grievance processes, make any judgments or binding decisions. Use of ombuds services is voluntary for all visitors.  

Neutral and Impartial

The Ombuds Office promotes fairness and equality. The ombuds remains unaligned, does not advocate for any party and avoids involvement in matters where there may be a conflict of interest. 


The Ombuds Office operates independently from any other administrative office and reports to the President's Office for administrative and budgetary purposes only. The ombuds exercises sole discretion over whether and how to act regarding matters.