Through a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Great Lakes Colleges Association is launching Global Crossroads, a four-year initiative to advance internationalization to the programs of learning that define our undergraduates' experience of the liberal arts. 

Many of the Global Crossroads programs will involve collaboration with members of the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, an international partnership of 29 U.S.-style liberal arts institutions representing 17 countries (including the thirteen members of the GLCA). The Alliance’s goal is to support excellence in liberal arts education through linkages with institutions (and their historical, cultural, religious, environmental, and economic contexts) in other parts of the world.

Take a moment to browse the current programs available and the list of schools involved in this initiative. And remember, if something piques your interest, do not hesitate to contact:

Contact Associate Professor of Psychology Irene Lopez, our Global Liberal Arts Alliance Liaison, at or 740-427-5373.