The mission of the Snowden Multicultural Center is to educate the Kenyon community about diverse cultures through student-focused programs and to increase understanding and respect for people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Led by two student managers under the direction of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Snowden Multicultural Center is a living and learning space, which serves as a resource and facility for multicultural programming. Regular programming includes heritage month celebrations, multicultural discussions, film screenings, performances, cultural specific meals, and much more. The center also contains a library with a diverse collection of books, videos and other materials.
General Information
The Snowden Multicultural Center is centrally located behind Farr Hall at 100 E. Brooklyn St., and it is open for campus-wide use during the academic year. The center regularly hosts meetings for student affinity groups, programs and more.
The Snowden Multicultural Center is staffed by two student managers who are responsible for programming within the space. For the 2024-2025 academic year, our student managers are Guagui Vallejos '25 and Moe Belghith '25. These student managers work in collaboration with Kennedey Bell, ODEI interim coordinator of strategic
Snowden Multicultural Center
Unit 1
Gambier, OH 43022