Mathematics & Statistics at Kenyon
Kenyon’s mathematics program blends theoretical ideas and methods, the modeling of real-world situations, and the statistical analysis of data. Members of the mathematics faculty are at the forefront of such innovative programs as mathematical biology and work closely with students on research projects.
Shaping Scientists
Kenyon ranks eighth in the country (and ahead of every Ivy) for the proportion of STEM grads to earn a doctorate in a STEM field.
110students a year pursue College-funded research projects in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences.
Kenyon 360: Science and Math
Get an insider's view of the S'Quad, the bustling home of Kenyon's math and science departments.
$1Mgrant from the the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The grant is one of several that Kenyon scientists have earned to foster a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.
Featured Courses
Surprises at Infinity
Our intuitions about sets, numbers, shapes and logic all break down in the realm of the infinite. Explore what infinity is, how it has been viewed through history, why some infinities are bigger than others and how a finite shape can have an infinite perimeter. Expect a math course unlike any you have ever taken.
Data Analysis
A thorough foundation in data analysis is vital for professions in fields as disparate as economics, psychology, biology and political science. This course provides a grounding in simple linear regression, multiple regression, analysis of variance, general linear models, logistic regression and discrete data analysis with a variety of real-world applications.
Coding Theory and Cryptography
How do the systems that make communications reliable and keep data secure actually work? Delve into the mathematical tools that underlie coding theory and cryptography and learn about practical applications ranging from the clear transmission of pictures from distant planets to quality of sound in compact discs to the makeup of electronic security systems.
History of Mathematics in the Islamic World
Some of the most fundamental notions in modern mathematics have their roots in the Islamic world, such as the modern number system, the fields of algebra and trigonometry, and the concept of algorithm. This course unites math with history and social science, bringing history and religion into the mathematical mix.
“In classes taught with students, we present our attempts at solutions to one another and then pick them apart to arrive at the truth, all while guided by our professor. It is an exciting and effective way to learn.”

Math Mondays
Join the department for fun activities, math talks and socializing from 3:10 to 4 p.m. every Monday during the semester.
The Language of Mathematics
“Nobody falls in love with literature by learning to diagram sentences properly. People should teach algebra, the language. There are verbs, phrases, complete sentences and incomplete sentences. It happens to be a language in which we can do certain things really well. ”

Hayes Hall
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022