Why Study Computing at Kenyon?
If you like crossing disciplines to make new and insightful connections, consider the Program in Computing at Kenyon. The program integrates the study of computer science with computational strategies to engage with complex questions in the natural sciences, arts and humanities and social sciences. Students complete courses in computer program development, mathematical modeling, data visualization and analysis, and computer hardware integration.
Featured Courses
Software Development
Gain experience designing, implementing, testing and debugging software. Primarily using C++ but also Javascript and other languages as needed, we will craft quality code, design and implement effective user interfaces, and build multicomponent architectures using both off-the-shelf and custom code.
AI for the Humanities
Explore the philosophical and ethical questions raised by AI in In this humanities-centered coding course. Ethical questions include issues of bias, fairness and transparency, as well as AI-human value alignment. We explore AI as a mirror of both our best and worst natures: how it can surveil, disemploy and police, but also play games, write text, create images and compose music.
Introduction to Programming
This course presents an introduction to computer programming intended both for those who plan to take further courses in which a strong background in computation is desirable and for those who are interested in learning basic programming principles. The principles of program structure and style are emphasized.
Statistics in Sports
Stats and sports are deeply intertwined. In this course, students examine questions including: Are there unusual patterns in the performance of “steroid sluggers” like Barry Bonds or pitchers like Roger Clemens? What’s the impact of a penalty kick in soccer? How important is “home field advantage” in football?
Interdisciplinary by Design
Computing students explore how advances in computational methods are transforming other disciplines and the questions those disciplines can ask.

Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022