Academic advising is a four-year process, but the experience — individual guidance and support — begins during Orientation. 

Your faculty advisor will help you choose courses with the aim of constructing a meaningful and balanced academic program. You’ll see how you can pursue your intellectual passions and experiment with subjects that intrigue you, while at the same time embracing the breadth that’s the hallmark of a liberal arts curriculum. You can also count on the help of your Orientation Leader and Community Advisor, plus the Office of Academic Advising.

Together, these individuals will encourage you to challenge yourself, explore new and unfamiliar content, and take thoughtful academic risks. You'll undertake increasingly rigorous coursework, knowing that you're never far from those whose main goals are guiding your exploration and supporting your success.

What to Expect at Orientation

Mid-summer, the Office of Academic Advising and Support will email with faculty advisor information. Each student is matched with a faculty advisor based on information provided in the Personal Data Form, including academic and personal interests. 

All new students register for classes during orientation after meeting with their faculty advisor and Orientation Leader who are well-equipped to guide students in making the best decisions for their first year of Kenyon academics.

There are several tools related to courses at Kenyon. 

First Things First: A PDF guide designed for incoming students with advice and descriptions of courses especially recommended for first-year students along with a broad understanding of academic policies and resources. New students receive their copy of First Things First in the summer to begin exploring courses.

Course Catalog: A comprehensive picture of the academic program at the College, including degree requirements, academic policies and requirements for each academic department or program. Also listed are all of the regular courses taught by the Kenyon faculty. Not all courses are offered every year.

Plan Ahead: This is your platform for browsing courses and planning your schedule for the upcoming semester.  Bookmark classes you would like to take to prepare for meeting with your academic advisor.

Schedule of Courses: Each semester’s courses viewed at-a-glance and organized by department, instructor or meeting time. Course descriptions are omitted.

You will meet with your faculty advisor in a group with fellow advisees (each advisor is assigned approximately five new students). Your advisor will suggest courses in your field of interest, explain the process of course registration and help you understand more about your advisor’s role throughout an academic year. You will also meet individually with your faculty advisor to choose a series of classes for course registration. 

To prepare for this meeting, review the information in First Things First, use Plan Ahead to browse courses and bookmark the classes you’d like to take. During your meeting, consider alternative course options your advisor may suggest and remain flexible with opportunities for new and intriguing classes.