Academic computing at Kenyon is a vital tool in the educational experience. Computer and network access is a privilege extended to all students and members of the administration, faculty, and staff at the College. All students are given computing accounts, including Internet access, which may be used at any time without charge. The following policies are in place to maintain control and availability to the community at large.

  1. Users of Kenyon computing systems are not charged for their use of the systems. Charges may be levied for consumption of certain supplies, such as paper, or for access to commercial services over the network. Students are provided with a limited amount of data storage on the campus network, intended for their academic work.
  2. To ensure access to academic resources on the Internet, Kenyon limits the bandwidth for certain types of non-academic Internet use, such as Internet games and some file sharing technologies.
  3. Never use any College computer account other than your own. Never lend your account to someone else. You are fully responsible for anything which happens through access to your account. If you believe someone else has access to your account, contact the Helpline immediately.
  4. Do not access files other than your own, unless you have specific permission to do so. This includes any effort to obtain unauthorized control over campus computers.
  5. Do not use computing resources for any activity which may intimidate, harass or threaten others. The College’s policies on harassment apply to electronic communication, too.
  6. Do not use College-provided computing resources or facilities for profit-making purposes.
  7. Do not use College-provided computing resources to invade or alter private records, data, or communication belonging to individuals, to the College, or to others.
  8. Do not waste computing resources, either tangible such as printer paper, or “soft” resources such as Internet bandwidth or access to computers.
  9. Unauthorized copying of software is illegal. You may not use or store pirated software on any College computing system.
  10. Unauthorized copying of music and video files is illegal. You may not use or store pirated music or video files on any College computing system.
  11. If you violate computer and network use policies, the College may temporarily or permanently suspend your use of College computing facilities, accounts, and/or resources. Repetitive or particularly egregious violations will be referred to the dean of students for disciplinary action.

Questions? Contact Associate Vice President for Information Technology Ashleigh (Zarley) Baker at