The studio art program engages students in art making within the context of an undergraduate liberal arts education. Students will learn to use art materials and processes for creative expression. They will learn that their creative products have cultural, historical, and formal attributes, leading to an understanding of the relationship of visual arts to various disciplines and human practices. Throughout their coursework, their production will employ problem-solving skills and improve their perceptual, technical, aesthetic and conceptual abilities. The studio art major and minor will provide a foundation for students interested in pursuing careers in the visual arts.

Learning Goals

  • Development of the ability to make visual art works of high quality. Success will be characterized by demonstrating creativity, gaining new art making skills, working through conceptual problems, and making formal decisions relevant to each media. Student creative development takes into consideration two different categories: (1) the progress of each student during an individual course, and (2) the progress over four years of the studio art majors.
  • Development of the ability to evaluate one’s own artwork and the artwork of others within the context of an inclusive learning environment. Success will be characterized by gaining an understanding of the vocabulary of art appreciation, using vocabulary to speak and write about art, and demonstrating a heightened sense of individual, social, and cultural awareness while participating in artistic evaluations.

 rev fall 2020