General Conditions

  1. Appointments as affiliated scholar or affiliated research collaborator are limited to:

    • Members of the Kenyon community who are actively engaged in scholarship and who do not have faculty status at any teaching or research institution in the area; or
    • Faculty or researchers at academic or research institutions, whether full-time or part-time, who are actively engaged in a specific research endeavor or maintaining an ongoing research collaboration with a member of Kenyon's faculty.
  2. To become an affiliated scholar or research collaborator at Kenyon, an eligible person must be:
    • Recommended by a member of a department or program;
    • Invited by the chair of that department or program to submit credentials, which should include a letter of self-introduction, a curriculum vitae and samples of work; (the self-introduction should state how the affiliation will benefit the nominee as well as how her/his affiliation will benefit the department/program; completion of the terminal degree is expected, though some exceptions may be made) and
    • Approved by the associate provost for an appointment. If the department or program determines that a nominee is suitable for this status and that an appointment is in the interests of the department or program, the chair will forward via email the nomination materials:
      • Nomination request explaining why the candidate is being nominated and the expectations for the department
      • Candidate's self introduction,
      • Candidate's current curriculum vitae including current email and mailing addresses,
      • Work sample if applicable to Amy Quinlivan.
    • Upon receipt of a letter of appointment issued by the associate provost, the candidate becomes an affiliated scholar or research collaborator for a term of one academic year, such term being renewable annually upon the request of the sponsoring department or program.
      • The affiliated scholar is responsible for contacting HR and Library and Information Services (LBIS) to complete their registration for a Kenyon ID card, email account, and borrowing privileges. Contact Mary Spence in the Human Resources office (740-427-5173 or; Jason Bennett in LBIS (740-427-5761 or re computer account, and Graham Coursey in LBIS (740-427-5174 or re: a library account.
      • All affiliated scholar accounts will be canceled June 30 if not renewed by June 15.
  3. To renew affiliated scholar or research collaborator status, the associate provost must receive a request (email to from the chair of the sponsoring department or program, along with the AS/RC's updated vitae (.pdf or MS Word files please). Chairs seeking renewal of these appointments are asserting that the affiliation continues to be beneficial to the department in the manner listed below and should give a short summary of the activities and benefits of the affiliation. If a chair fails to seek renewal, access to College facilities and the privileges specified below will be terminated at the end of the academic year for which the nomination or renewal request was made.

The association created by the selection of affiliated scholars or research collaborators is an informal one. This protocol is intended as a set of guidelines agreed upon by the parties involved. It creates no contractual obligation on the part of the affiliated scholar, the research collaborator, the department or the College, and can be terminated at any time by the affiliated scholar, research collaborator, the department or the College. The association created by the selection of affiliated scholars is an informal one. This protocol is intended as a set of guidelines agreed upon by the parties involved. It creates no contractual obligation on the part of the affiliated scholar, the department or the College. Affiliated scholar status does not confer or imply any legal or financial benefits from the College and may not be cited as employment on CVs or applications.

A chair may at any time during the academic year cancel sponsorship of an affiliated scholar or research collaborator that the department or program has nominated. 

The provost may, at his or her discretion, cancel the appointment of an affiliated scholar or research collaborator at any time during an academic year.

Upon expiration, cancellation, or removal of one’s appointment, the person who held the affiliation must promptly return to the Office of the Associate Provost any I.D., library access card, or any other pass that was issued in connection with the appointment. 

Interaction Between Affiliated Scholars, Research Collaborators and the Department

  1. Members of the department, and especially the chair, may seek or create opportunities for affiliated scholars, research collaborators and members of the department to discuss matters of mutual professional interest. These may include invitations to participate in research forums; opportunities to meet with visiting scholars such as lecturers or outside examiners; inclusion in department functions, such as receptions, etc.
  2. Members of the department, and especially the chair, may seek or create appropriate opportunities for contact between students and affiliated scholars and research collaborators. These might include extending invitations to serve as an uncompensated guest lecturer or to join discussions in courses; recommending that individual students contact affiliated scholars about research projects in their area of expertise; and making students aware of the potential contributions of specific affiliated scholars to special events or organizations on campus.
  3. The department may notify affiliated scholars and research collaborators of relevant employment opportunities in the department.
  4. Members of the department may assist affiliated scholars in making professional contacts beyond the College, by such means as identifying referees for papers, helping to secure letters of recommendation, and suggesting appropriate places to publish.
  5. Affiliated scholars are encouraged to recommend to the department books to be purchased by the library and speakers to be proposed to faculty lectureships.

Interaction Between Affiliated Scholars, Research Collaborators and Kenyon

  1. Affiliated scholars and research collaborators shall have access to library collections with limited borrowing privileges.
  2. Affiliated scholars and research collaborators will also be given an account on the Kenyon computer system that includes email and the ability to receive campus information via email.
  3. Affiliated scholars and research collaborators are expected to acquaint themselves with and conform to all library and computing policies as posted at, which includes:

    "Respect for authorized and intended use of information services. Members must utilize only those information services which they have been authorized to use and only for College-related purposes. Prohibited activities include: political campaign activities, activities jeopardizing the College's tax-exempt status, and activities for commercial profit or for the direct financial benefit of non-Kenyon organizations.

    Your Kenyon College email account MAY NOT be used as a business/marketing contact address.

Responsibilities of the Affiliated Scholar and Research Collaborators

  1. The status of affiliated scholar or research collaborator is extended as a professional courtesy. Individuals are expected to maintain the same professional standards as faculty members.
  2. Affiliated scholars shall be prepared to assist faculty as resource persons including as informal advisers or in other appropriate capacities. In the case of formal or extensive consultation, the faculty member seeking assistance should compensate the affiliated scholar but may not make any commitment or obligation upon the College to do so without express written authorization of the provost.
  3. Affiliated scholars and research collaborators shall acknowledge the assistance and support of the College in published works.

Please send all nomination or renewal materials to Amy Quinlivan.

Affiliated Scholars and Research Collaborators - Protocol PDF

Amy Quinlivan

Coordinator of Administrative Services,Office of the Provost
Phone Number
Bailey House 103