3.5 The Academic Divisions

Each of the departments participates in one of the four divisions of the College: Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Science, and Social Science. The members of a given division are the faculty members of the departments which constitute the division.

Regular duties of the divisions are: to nominate members for election to office in the division; to promote and coordinate common interests and interdepartmental activities.

Each division may elect a chair and a secretary; further organization of the divisions is a matter of convenience. Each member of a division has equal voice and vote in the work of the division.

The duties of the chair are: to ensure that the division carries out its regular duties; to call and preside at meetings of the division; to lead the division in accomplishing any special tasks it may receive from the President, the Provost, the faculty meeting, or its members.

The duties of the secretary are: to keep a permanent record of division meetings; to report in writing actions of the division to persons concerned (e.g., notifying the Provost of election of division officers).