If you, like I, clutched your proverbial pearls at the very concept of yet another Zoom (let alone one that begins at 7 p.m.?!) ... hear me out:

We've been planning some things. Reunion-y things. We wanna share 'em with you.

More than that, though, we want to see your gorgeous mugs, lift a glass and have a laugh. Remember, Zoom has those little name badges, so you'll SEEM like you have a great memory even if you can't recognize any of us for our gray hair and reading glasses. 

A final pitch: I learned most of what I know about good stakeholder engagement from the couple of years I spent bartending in the late 90s (a profession that was not only extremely on-brand for me at the time, but also, I would argue, uniquely suited to the liberal arts graduate in general). So basically, all you need to do is show up. My reunion planning comrades and I consider it our solemn duty to make sure you have fun!  

Awkward pauses?  We've never met them.

With love,

Kerry Sheldon and the Class of 1997 25th Reunion Committee