The Department of English presents a lecture by Adele Davidson, the McIlvaine Professor of English at Kenyon College.

What was the name of the enslaved man who played an important though indirect role in the founding of Kenyon, without whom Philander Chase might never have prospered in his quest to create a college? What were the thoughts of Chase on race? Who was the first student of color to attend Kenyon in its earliest days? (Perhaps a student from South Asia?) Who was the "Dutch girl" who played an immense role in the founding of Kenyon? To acknowledge the contributions of these early College founders, these questions will be considered in a talk honoring Kenyon history and diversity: "Say his name: An Enslaved Founder of Kenyon."

Please join us on Wednesday, February 12, at 4:30 p.m. in Chalmers Library 320

This event is sponsored by the Department of English.