
How To View A Degree Evaluation Generated By The Registrar’s Office or Your Advisor

  1. Log in to Personal Access Pages. 
  2. Click on the Student tab at the top.
  3. Click on Student Records menu then Degree Evaluation.
  4. Select the current term. Your curriculum information will appear listing the majors, minors, and concentrations you have declared at the Registrar’s Office.
  5. At the bottom of the next screen, choose Previous Evaluations.
  6. Click on the top item in the list of Current Evaluations — this will be the most recent — and the evaluation will appear.

How To Generate A Degree Evaluation For Yourself

On the same curriculum information screen, choose Generate New Evaluation at the bottom. Select the current term and  click on the circle to the left of Program then Generate Request. The request will appear.

How To Generate A Degree Evaluation For A Major Or Majors You Have Not Declared

This will not work accurately for the following majors: INST, ENVS, CLAS or any MLL department major

Follow the instructions above until you get to the Curriculum information screen

At the bottom of the next screen, choose What-If-Analysis

Entry Term choose the term you entered.
Program choose Bachelor of Arts
First Major-- choose from the list (note not one of those listed above)
Click Submit
Click Generate Request

Anatomy Of A Degree Evaluation

Header section

Lists the major and the catalog term the student falls under for requirements

Minimum Required looks for 16.00 units

Required institutional can be disregarded.

Institutional Traditional is the amount of credit earned on a letter grade basis at Kenyon.

Max Institutional non-traditional is the amount of credit/no credit and pass/D/fail

Overall GPA we will check for 2.00 minimum GPA

Non-course requirement- senior capstone. We enter this during spring semester of senior year.

Program Restricted subjects and attributes looks for maximum summer school and physical education.

Program Restricted grades lists the grades that do not count toward any requirements.

General things to look for:

Far right column look for the source
KC Kenyon course
Reg registered
Tran transfer course or AP credit
Test test score

Area Restricted grade says no grades of AP for diversification.

Left column look for No or Yes for met or not met

If a student has one course from two departments, both might be listed, and the Met? Column says no.

Additional Degree Requirements
The language requirement and quantitative reasoning appear here.

Major Requirements
The total unit that has been earned for the major is at the top then text outlining the requirements.

Specific courses are listed first

If they are met, the term, course, title, credit, grade and source are listed

These groupings of courses are rules. These have been grouped as they are in the major requirements description in the course catalog. These all have the description below so students know what they need to do.

Total units and GPA are listed at the bottom.

Major GPA
This groups the courses to calculate the GPA.

Credits Outside Discipline
This will help us look for units outside the discipline for 9.00 required

Credits Outside Department
This will help us look for units outside the department or departments for the 7.00 required

This also lists all of the courses not counting toward the major

In Progress Courses
This lists where each of the student’s current courses are being counted. It can be helpful when a student is considering dropping or withdrawing from a course.

Courses Not Used
Lists any courses with grades from the Program Restricted list (AU, W, WI, WL, WP, WD)